Our Service is at 9:00am. It is a traditional, structured service led by our Pastor, Rev. Dr. John A. Laughlin, Sr., through the United Methodist traditions of hymns, scripture, prayer, choir, organ and hand bells. Holy Communion is offered at both services on the first Sunday of each month. We practice open communion so all who seek to respond to Christ’s love are welcome to Christ’s table with us. Please join us for coffee and a snack at 9:50am in our Fellowship Hall and feel free to take your snack to one of our Sunday School classes, which begin at 10:00am.
Sunday Services
9:00am Traditional Worship Service
9:50am Coffee Time in Fellowship Hall
10:00am Sunday School for all Ages
When you arrive at Salem, feel free to park on any side of the church but it is best as a visitor to enter our south door where you will find a greeter at our Welcome Center.