Our Children’s Ministries Committee focuses on the planning and overseeing children’s programs and activities at Salem and within the community in a safe and nurturing environment. In addition to organizing Sunday School for preschool children in preschool through grade 5, some of the events we host are Easter Egg Hunts, picnics, Blessings of the Backpacks and Vacation Bible School. Come and explore the busy world of the children at Salem!
Sunday Service
Focusing on “Families Worshiping Together,” all children are encouraged to attend either service at Salem with their parents. Activity packets are available for the children located in the lobby on the color coded poles by the stairs. They are filled with activities that relate to Pastor John's message. Don’t forget to return them to the baskets at the end of the service.
Salem also has a nursery in the South Hall for infants and toddlers available during the 9:00am Service. Parents are welcome to stay in the nursery with their child and listen to the service on the TV or leave your child with our caretakers so you can attend the service. Parents leaving their children must sign them in and out with your signature.
Children's Sunday School
Presently our Preschool to Grade 4 children meet together in the South Hall. Our Sunday School teachers have a strong commitment to our children to teach about God in a creative way that they will understand and be excited about. We meet immediately after the 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service.